Runner Readiness Assessment

» Runner Readiness Assessment
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Runner Readiness Assessment

You may think that running is just putting one foot in front of the other for a certain distance, but it's quite the opposite. To run efficiently and reduce your chances of injury as you increase mileage, running requires a certain amount of mobility, strength and motor control.

Do you have the necessities for running? Our full body assessment is a systematic approach that helps identify if a runner has the capability to complete the physical demands of running. We look at 5 foundational ground movements that assess the mobility of the spine, hips, ankles and toes; will test the strength of your primary movers and core to determine if you have the ability to accept the forces that running places on the body; and will assess if you have the control to move forward in a repeated reciprocal pattern with ease and efficiency (motor control). Following the full-body assessment, you will undergo a 2-D analysis of your run to pinpoint inefficiencies in your gait and mechanics. The full body assessment and 2-D gait analysis is the only way to assign the necessary exercises and drills to get you running optimally, efficiently and feeling your best.

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